Lost Colony Group Receives
Malcolm Fowler Society Award
By Jennifer Sheppard
The North Carolina Society of Historians held its 69th Annual Awards Banquet October 23rd 2010 in Mooresville, NC at the Hilton Garden Inn. Awards were presented in several historical and genealogical categories relating to local, regional or statewide people, places or events in the following categories: History Books, Publishers, Multimedia, Journal, Newsletter, Society, Religious History Books, Newspaper & Magazine Articles, Family History Books, Historical Fiction and Museums. The multimedia category includes historical plays, videos, oral histories, poetry, music, web sites, brochures, pamphlets, demonstrations, etc. A Presidents Award was given to the President's personal choice of all entries that won by the unanimous decision of a distinguished panel of judges. Only one prestigious Historian of the Year Award was presented this year.
The society was formed on December 26, 1941 by a group of men whose main goal and interest was to collect, preserve, share and promote North Carolina history. This year there were a total of 729 entries with only 95 winners. The judges (which number from 3 to 5) are all experts in their field, are not members of the society and do not know the officers or the directors.
Following are the Judges collective comments: "If any group can solve the mystery of the so-called 'Lost Colony,' we believe this group can. In reading all of the information provided to us about the colony, it still puzzles us as to why the Croatoan were not followed. If this knowledge was known, as is stated, why did research not begin with them, or has it? And, it seems probable that if the colonists did migrate with the Croatoan and were assimilated into the local Indian population, that they produced descendants. A DNA study will prove valuable in determining these descendants when DNA from colonial ancestors can be located."
"And, we feel that this research group is serious enough, determined enough and has enough energy, curiosity and persistence to answer any long-asked questions. We hope to continue to visit the group's website to stay abreast of any new findings. Every aspect of this organization fascinates us, and what we have learned thus far only saturates us with questions that we hope will be answered in the future. We wish them luck in their quest? (sic) And, we thank them for being brave enough to take on one of the oldest mysteries in North Carolina and the surrounding states."
The photo above is Jennifer Sheppard with Elizabeth Bray Sherrill, the president of the North Carolina Society of Historians. You can read more about this nonprofit group and support their efforts at: The North Carolina Society of Historians
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