April 14, 2011...was a special day for Manteo, NC., and it's twinned sister city... Bideford, England. Andy Powell, retired Mayor of Bideford and the Bideford Youth Pipe Band, graced the streets of Manteo with a visit from across the pond.
Andy, who was already on the Outer Banks to once again participate in an archaeology dig, shared this special occasion with two other LCRG members, Dawn Taylor and George Ray. They accompanied him for an hour long ride "up the beach", to hear a very talented group of young musicians, who ranged from ten to eighteen years of age, share a bit of England with locals and visitors alike.
The Bideford Youth Pipe Band, honored the retirement of Andrew Thomas Powell, by serenading him with the song, Auld Lang Syne. A song among several that echoed down Budleigh Street and onto the Manteo waterfront, where onlookers, including an English wedding party, listened as bagpipes were played and the beat of the drums, filled the air.
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