
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Sock it to Me" Birthday Cake

by Roberta Estes
Archaeology Birthday Party
What kind of a birthday cake do you make for someone who loves archaeology?  A special archaeology birthday cake of course!!
We celebrated Andy’s birthday on Sunday and Maggie Dawson made an incredible cake for Andy, complete with the pit, of course, and the sifter where we sift the dirt for artifacts.  Within our digging group, Andy is well known for his “discovery” of a sock on our first dig.  Of course, we couldn’t tell that it was a sock and we thought perhaps it was an early textile.  It was mudsoaked, as it was extracted during a hurricane (Ida), and it wasn’t until it was cleaned and processed until we discovered it was in actuality a contemporary item.  Andy, in the spirit of friendship, has never been allowed to live his wonderful “discovery” down, and on the cake, our archaeologist indeed has discovered a sock and pulled it out of his hole.

As we “excavated” the birthday cake, we discovered that the cake is stratified in layers, and indeed, in the bottom “dirt” layer, we found artifacts.  Just like real archaeology, you had to go and clean your artifact to see what treasure you had found.

We had a great time at Andy’s party, as did Andy, but the cake itself indeed stole the day!!

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